I've been leaning into trust recently.
I have been challenging myself to make decisions without second-guessing. Choosing not to trust the weather app on my phone, knowing it's going to rain again at any moment. It is winter on the coast, for Pete's sake!
Another layer of trust I have come to understand recently is around my art. I've long believed talent is more about time spent in practice than an inherent skill set. But I am starting to think that talent goes deeper than that, the time spent is vital, but the time is less about developing a skill set and more about trusting oneself and the materials.
I've spent more than three years living in Newport and have yet to trust myself to paint the ocean in watercolor. It felt too advanced for where I was in my skill level. But as I've leaned into painting with watercolor more, I've grown brave with the subject matter I am willing to tackle with my paintbrush.
I've grown brave because I trust the paper, the brush, and the paint. We are friends. I've spent enough time with these friends to know what each element will do in the moment. I know how much water I need to make the perfect glowing sunset. I trust the paper to hold enough water to create beautiful storm clouds. I trust the paint will dry lighter than when wet. I trust my eye to pick out the details that will communicate the mood of the painting.
These are my friends
This trust in myself and my materials has opened the door to subjects I did not previously dare consider.
It is also helpful that I have a friend who is a very skilled photographer, and I cannot help but be inspired. The craving to paint from the pictures she takes is undeniable.
Newport Bridge and Boat by Photographer M. Shoup
Painting in progress
Everyone is a critic. Roxy is literally watching paint dry.