

Welcome, I hope you enjoy the art and information provided here.

I am a visual artist whose work explores natural landscapes through the use of mediums such as plant matter, wool, bees wax and watercolor pigment. I work with watercolors for their simple yet beautiful layers and subdued color palette, but I also love the bright full textured and tactile feel of encaustic paintings. 

I grew up in Missoula, Montana which is a beautiful place that instilled a deep love of nature and an appreciation for the natural landscape. I graduated from the University of Montana in 2000 with a Bachelor’s of Fine Art with an emphases in painting and photography. I have lived in many beautiful places including Alaska, Colorado, a short stint in Washington D.C. and now gratefully Newport, OR.

My art is inspired by my natural surroundings and my desire to protect the beauty of our planet. Living on the coast in the Pacific Northwest my current work reflects the soft soothing gray rainy days, the frothy roar of the ocean waves, and the wide array of plant life provided by the lush landscape of Oregon.