Personalized Stickiness
I have always loved stickers. I am of the generation where a sticker book was a thing. Sticker books existed because the stickers were too valuable to put elsewhere. Other possible locations for stickers were a letter to a friend or maybe on a brown paper bag school book cover, but nowhere else!
But now. Now, the mighty sticker is not just reserved for little girls with puffy pink books. Stickers go everywhere, from curated water bottles, to car windows, cases, coolers, journals, and many more exciting places. Creating a mobile showroom for these fun, creative, and gorgeous works of art!
I’ve recently made a few stickers from my art, and you can find them in my shop. More importantly and even more exciting - I want to make you your own personalized sticker!
My dad, Papa Myer with his very own sticker!
Each sticker will be in the shape of your state and have the name of your city. The background will feature your favorite landmarks from the area that make it uniquely your home. Then you and I will collaborate on three or four hand-drawn emojis that express your favorite hobby or activity!
Think of the possibilities! We could make stickers for birthday party guests or as wedding favors at a destination wedding. To exchange with all your new best friends at concerts, games, matches, conferences, or anywhere you want to share a bit of where you come from.
I can’t wait to see what we make!