The Sun is Never Not Shining

The other day, after many, many, many days of rain, the clouds cleared, and the sun came out in full force.

I could feel the warmth through my clothes on my body!

The dramatic change shook me.
I had emotionally prepared for a lot of gray. The weather forecast had called for many additional weeks of dismal dripping rain - or winter in the PNW.

But as I was peeling my eyes open like a mole emerging from an underground hole to the bright rays of sunshine, I had an ah ha moment. The sun is, in fact, always shining, even at night.
Somewhere, the sun shines.
As long as the sun exists - the sun is shining.

Even when it's cloudy, cold, damp, and downright miserable where I am, the sun is shining somewhere else.
It is only the time of day or the thickness of the clouds between me and the giant celestial ball of fire and rock that creates gray skies and a blustery sea.

The skies aren't gray—they are always blue, but sometimes I can't see the blue.

I'm telling you this because I had never thought of it in these terms before. I have never thought of the sky always being blue and the sun always shining.

This set me to pondering…what other things in life are "always blue"?

I am always (mostly) okay.
I might have potent emotions that make me feel like a small boat in the middle of a stormy sea, but those emotions will clear—they will move on just like the clouds.
I have the extreme privilege of being safe, having a roof over my head, and having food in the pantry.
I am okay.

Even the super happy emotions are like the giant white puffy clouds on the horizon - they will also move along, eventually.

I am always an artist.
I might not be the best artist in the room, I might not paint every day, and I might not sell enough art to make a living (yet), but I am an artist regardless. Even if I were homeless and living under a bridge, I would create art in some form.

I am always me.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Some days, I wish I could be a person who enjoys loud concerts and wildly exuberant social situations, but I'm not. I've had periods of life where I could pretend to enjoy those things, but ultimately I am an indoor mouse who loves knitting, sipping warm tea from a place deep in the couch, reading fantasy books, painting pictures, and contemplative one-on-one conversations - because I am always me.

This knowledge feels like a secret weapon of sorts.
Only I know the sky is blue, and these rain clouds aren't here to stay.
What shall I do with this new secret weapon?
I think I will use it to "be less."

Less pent up.

Less concerned.

Less busy.

Less anxious.

If the sky is always blue, and I am always and artist who is always unapologetically myself, then every day is kind of a good day.
And, if every day is kind of a good day, then what do I have to worry about?

I might be way off the mark here; it's a working theory, but it feels like I'm onto something.
Possibly something big.

Do you have an "always"?
Does the concept help or hurt your brain?

Thoughts, comments, or concerns, please let me know below.
I'd love to discuss further!


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