The Birth of The Nibbler
The Nibbler is a brief weekly update to inspire and spread joy.
A few weeks ago, I lost access to my Instagram account. I was locked out for about 48 hours. I had enabled two-factor authentication, and the second factor was not factoring or authenticating! I made many attempts to log in, and then I just sat back and let the panic wash over me in an icy grip.
Now you wouldn't think this was that big of a deal. It is just Instagram, after all. But it was a big deal when I considered the amount of time and energy I have put into growing a following (insert hard eye roll here). The amount of time that goes into filming, editing, and writing captions for regular content is mind-melting.
Should I be spending so much time creating content for social media?
The obvious answer is to focus more time and energy here and do everything possible to make this space a community. I know that sounds lofty, but I also think it has the opportunity to be cool, so that's what I'm gonna do!
The changes I'm planning are an experiment and may or may not stick, so please don't hold me too tightly to any of this.
The plan is to continue sending a monthly newsletter roundup, as I have been, but I want to add a weekly Tuesday nibble. My newsletter is called Art in Bites. And because I run on snacks and it's funny, the weekly bulletin will be called The Nibbler. I am 100% open to other silly names - Please leave ideas in the comments below.
The goal is to send an email that is a quick 30-60 second read and that, upon opening, you will hopefully smile and be inspired or delighted.
Quick, dirty, fun, and done.
The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. Because of you! You are why I want to put my time and energy here. You are the ones who have chosen to give me your extra time and to open my newsletters. You have already trusted me with access to your inbox, which is an honor I take seriously and appreciate. So I hope that in doing this, you feel a little more connected to my art and the joy of the process.
So that's where we are.
Okay, I'll see you next Tuesday! 😉