Jill Myer Artist

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A couple came into the gallery the other day while I was working. They have one of my paintings from their last visit to Newport, and they exclaimed, "You've found the light!"

Initially, I was confused, but they explained. The painting they bought the last time we were in town was dark and moody. The paintings in the gallery currently are bright and splashy, with lots of frothy white and turquoise waves -summer art.

I said, "Oh, you were here last winter. You have a piece from my winter series. I'm glad you are here now because the art happening in my studio right now is winter art," It's dark and stormy with deep moody colors.

I've known that I am inspired by my beach walks, but it wasn't until this conversation that I realized how weather dependent my artwork is.

My current wax and watercolor paintings have been inspired by this one super rainy, cold, windy, beautiful morning on the beach with Roxy.