Hot Sand, Tiny Shells, & Meaning in the Bottom of a Coconut
An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or traveling.
A beach in the Dominican Republic
There is value in stepping away.
Value in shifting out of daily routines and habits.
It is worthwhile to exchange stories with new people
and to attempt (to the amusement and giggles of all) to speak a foreign language in a foreign country.
There is substance in trying new-to-you foods in new-to-you places, smelling unfamiliar smells, finding treasures, and breathing in the wind from a different direction.
It’s so TINY!!
I say all of the above, not necessarily for you, dear reader, unless you need to hear it, but more for me.
As a person who makes art most days, who walks through the woods to a stunning beach each day, rain or shine, who spends her time in a delightful gallery full of inspiring art, and who has a day job working in "the arts" and moreover does precisely as she pleases - it's hard to justify a Vacation.
Exploring, plein air painting, and *adventuring?
Yes, yes, and fuck YES!
Fresh coconut water
A sit-down, poolside, sun hat, sunscreen slathered, three books in one week, this is my preferred pool lounger, and I will defend it daily. Vacation?
With the sole purpose of relaxing, and only relaxing?
If you insist?!
A poolside vacation is for people who experience BIG stress and who simply cannot make one more decision.
People who are burnt out require a level of relaxation that is bordering on comatose.
This is not me.
But I found the value of this Vacation in the bottom of a coconut with hotel pool towel pattern printed firmly into the back of my thighs.
After only a few days, I found myself craving my sketchbook and pencils and thinking of my art business in a new light.
You hear all the time as an artist. If a painting isn't working, take a break, go for a walk, and put it away for a few days, weeks, or months.
But rarely do we have the option, opportunity, flexibility, or finances to go fuck off for two whole weeks, but I will say it was delicious.
It wasn't exciting, but it was delicious.
Has anyone else found the deliciousness of boredom?
Has anyone been able to find boredom/relaxation without leaving home?
I'd like to know what that looks like and how it is achieved.
*Adventuring is defined as exploring with friends, avoiding responsibilities and giggling A LOT. It includes to feeling of escaping, running away, and or dodging the things that one is “supposed” to be doing.